by on 21 September 2018

The way in which fumigations are performed won’t change, the way MPI require them to be monitored will. This new monitoring is mandatory throughout the country, any treatments not incorporating this new methodology from 1st September 2018 will be rejected.

 It is up to the fumigation provider to make sure these standards are complied with, however, these changes could affect business regards how long it takes a fumigation to get underway, and possibly how long a consignment takes to vent after treatment to make sure it is under  the Workplace Exposure Standards.

 The upcoming changes will require treatments to be monitored. The fumigator will manually insert sampling tubes into the enclosure before treatment starts, once the MB has been applied fumigators can then monitor the concentrations at the back, top, centre and front bottom of the enclosure through an MPI approved monitoring device.

 Fumigation cannot start until all readings are taken from the sampling tubes – this will add up to 3 hours extra to start treatment, and in turn when venting,  all readings from the tubes must be below the Workplace Exposure Standards.

 We will arrange the fumigations with our fumigation contractor who we have reviewed  to ensure they are able to meet the new thresholds.

 With this monitoring being new to the industry it will take a while to see exactly what effects this will have on business, we just have to wait and see.

 Another fallout from these changes is that we have to provide a larger area to have adequate space to establish a risk area around the enclosure ( container) and provide power points. We are limited to one maybe two containers at a time and as a result of these new requirements we will be implementing a “Fumigation Pad”  fee of $120.00 per container….

 Hobbs Global Logistics will not be held responsible for container detention caused by the extra time which will be required to carry out the fumigation process in the future



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