by on 07 August 2018

Who can treat my consignment offshore?
MPI and our Australian counterparts DAWR, are working together on a list of Italian treatment providers we approve to treat our respective biosecurity systems. These can be found on our MPI BMSB webpage. Please monitor the page as it will get updated. MPI does have a policy of mitigating risk offshore were possible so we do encourage this as last season there were significant delays for on arrival treatment.

For the other countries on the risk list (Germany, France etc.) please check they have the relevant local license or approved under a foreign governmental programme such as ISPM 15.  The offshore treatment provider list will be added to as information becomes available. As previously mentioned onshore treatments will be permitted at ATF as well as at the ports.

Will treatments be followed by an inspection?
As in previous years there may be an inspection audit regime for offshore treatments. The purpose of the offshore treatment audit regime is so that we can verify the performance of the offshore treatment providers and react if appropriate.

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