Starting next week, Ports of Auckland will be rolling out changes to the timing and procedure for export container deliveries and import container uplifts.
In order to more efficiently manage VBS slots, Ports of Auckland will require bookings for both export and import containers to be made by carriers in advance, with the container number specified and export pre-advice plus VGM declaration in place for export containers.
Similarly for import containers, the container number will need to be specified at the time of booking and all Customs, MPI, Shipping Line holds released before the booking can be registered.
Individual carriers no longer have an allocation of bookings, they will be released to the pool of carriers at midnight, 48 hours prior to booking day on a first come first served basis.
Carriers will no longer be able to obtain ‘walk in’ bookings for urgent containers at Fergusson Terminal road office and as bookings are container number specific at the time of being made, the booked container number cannot be swapped for a new container number. However, container numbers can be swapped across existing confirmed bookings initially.
Should you require any further clarification or would like to view the full update on the changes to VBS, please feel free to contact us.